Οι ROCK & LACE είναι το αποτέλεσμα όλων αυτών.
Η αγάπη και το πάθος που έχουν για τη μουσική, όπως και η Tρέλα είναι εμφανή σε κάθε συναυλία τους.
Τα μέλη του συγκροτήματος είναι:
Κάλλια Πέτρου (Gale Petrou) - Φωνή
Βασίλης Σαμαράς - Κιθάρα
Μίλτος Αργυρίου - Κιθάρα
Χρήστος Μπέλλος - Μπάσο
Χρήστος Σιαφάκας - Τύμπανα
ROCK & LACE joined forces not long ago in a magical town called Trikala.
The members of the band have all grown up listening and performing to different styles of music
such as Pop, Rock, Funk and Metal.
All of these sounds have been an inspiration to writing their own Original Songs.
With their passion for music and energetic spirits they have quickly drawn the attention of many.
Rock & Laces motto is "Live on the Rock Side Of life"... ARE YOU READY???
The Members of the band are:
Gale Petrou - Vocals
Vasilis Samaras - Electric guitar
Miltos Argiriou - Electric guitar
Christos Belle - Bass
Chris Siafakas - Drums
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